Guidelines for Submitting Articles in Personnel Today
- Personnel Today invites original unpublished research papers, feature articles, case studies, HR news and communications from the practitioners, academicians, NIPM members and students of HRM, Business, Management and allied fields.
- Authors should send the manuscript in hard (2 copies) and soft copy (CD & e-mail), using standard software package (MS Word). The text should be double-spaced with reasonable margins, in 12pt Ariel Narrow font and must be written within 5000 words (approx.), so that it can accommodate within 10 printed pages of the journal. The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract within 150 words and a brief profile of the author(s) including communication details within 50 words.
- The author(s) should send a declaration stating that the paper has neither been published nor will be submitted elsewhere till the editorial decision is communicated.
- Every contributors will be rewarded with appropriate remuneration for each published paper.
- Tables, Charts and Graphs should be accompanied in the text properly. Tables and figures should contain proper titles and footnotes where necessary.
- References should indicate name of the author(s), title, publisher, year of publication. All references should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the text.
- The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to edit the manuscripts to meet the journal’s standards, presentation and style.
- The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to accept or reject an article for publication. The manuscript, if not accepted for publication, shall not be returned to the contributors. The decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding on the author and will be communicated through e-mail.
Mailing Address :
The Executive Director
National Institute of Personnel Management
Southend Conclave, Tower Block (3rd Floor)
1582, Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata – 700 107
Phone : (033) 2441 7254/7255;
Fax : 91-033-2441 7256;
E-mail : info@nipm.in;
Website : www.nipm.in
For Book Review :
Authors/Publishers interested to get their recently published Books reviewed, may send the same to the Editor-in-Chief, Personnel Today, at the above address. Two copies of printed books (non-returnable) must be sent for review.