Rs 60000/- + Service Tax, payable in 2 instalments – 60% at the time of admission and 40% before commencement of the 26th session [total number of sessions: 50 each @ 2 hours]
For Group nomination by any organization: 15 % discount on gross course fee per head will be available, provided at least 3 officials are nominated – with requisite first instalment fee – latest by 30 November 16
For self-nominated individual participants, a 10% discount on course fee will be available, provided the nomination with 60% of the gross course fee is received before 30 November 16.
The discount indicated above will be adjusted against the second and final instalment payable
Fee is payable to National Institute of Personnel Management payable at Kolkata
Partners in Progress
It is well known that a key requirement for business success in modern day context is alignment of people processes with business strategy. People processes are key since it is the people of an organization who make judgments about how markets are changing, create strategies based on these judgments and translate strategy into operational realities. In other words, if an organization does not get its people process right, it will never fulfill the potential of its business. People processes, facilitating shared mindset, talent development, speed, collaboration, leadership, accountability and learning, are intangibles that are difficult to imitate and hence are sources of competitive advantage and valuation. Importance of people processes are becoming more clearer as it is now widely recognized that managers working at various levels and driving business and support functions will themselves have to be different and smart in terms of their thinking and feeling in order to ensure that their strategies are different and smart. This is so since competition today is not between business and business but between head to head.
How do we ensure that managers coming up the corporate ladder from bottom to CXO and then CEO level are increasingly becoming better, different and smarter vs their counterparts? Since ensuring availability of right person for the right job is a key HR function, HR Professionals have a strategic role to play for continued success of any business organization. To perform this role and become strategic partners of business, HR must see the changes coming in the industry even before the CEO or business heads can see. Thus, to become a strategic partner of business, HR has to upgrade its role from traditional policy, process and procedure orientation to a strategic role. In order to be effective in such a new role, HR must speak at ease the language of business, strategy, money matters – along with of course people related matters – like or even better than managers working in other functional areas.
Recognising the growing strategic role of HR professionals in driving business success, National Institute of Personnel Management [NIPM] and The Strategy Academy Centre for Advanced Studies [TSACAS] have decided to offer the program titled “ HR AS STRATEGIC PARTNER OF BUSINESS”. The details of this innovative program are given below.
Program Objectives
Help HR Professionals with 3 years and above experience to acquire business acumen and core business and strategic skills and help them learn and speak the language of business and strategy at ease and also act with great confidence while taking decisions in people related matters
Assist HR Professionals in acquiring additional skills in Strategic HRM and establish how to align their newly acquired Strategic HR Skills with business and functional strategies which drive business performance and valuation
Help participants get ready in advance to claim such positions as Heads of business with P & L and Balance Sheet responsibilities and eventually put a claim on top leadership jobs of their organizations [ such as CXO level jobs and even CEO’s job ]
For Whom
Ambitious HR professionals who want to put a claim on the top leadership jobs [ such as CXO level jobs and even CEO’s job ] sooner than later
Executives holding frontline middle and senior management position in Corporate and Business HR including those working in traditional P & A and related areas keen to widen their skills in both HR and strategy areas
HR Professionals planning to shift to line function with P&L responsibilities in 2 to 3 years time
Executives holding middle to senior management position in non-HR functions such as manufacturing, sales and marketing, supply chain, project management, IT etc who are planning to make a career shift to HR or wishing to understand importance of people management processes on value creation in their respective functional areas
Busy individuals who understand the value of their time and money and who feel the need for a properly designed and conveniently delivered program that adequately covers the subject areas of this program
MODULE I: FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS [ 44 hours of faculty conducted sessions] comprising 3 parts viz. [I] Understanding business and drivers of business value, [II] Analysis of Financial and Cost Performance of business and [III] Quantitative Techniques and business analytics for business decision making
MODULE II: BUSINESS STRATEGY [ 16 hours of faculty conducted sessions] comprising 5 parts viz. [I] Understanding Industry, Industry Economics and Industry Evolution, [II] Strategic Choices, [III] Strategy and business value creation, [IV] Aligning business strategy with line and staff business functions, policies and programs and [V] Strategy Implementation
MODULE III: STRATEGIC HR: CREATING VALUE FOR BUSINESS [40 hours of faculty conducted sessions] comprising 5 parts viz. [I] People development processes that ensures availability of right person for the right job required to create business value, [II] Employee Performance and Engagement with aim to create business value, [III] Talent Management and Leadership Development for creating business value, [IV] Culture audit and effecting Organizational transformation to create high performance culture – as required by business strategy – to create business value and [V] HR Value propositions and measuring HR’s contribution to drive business value creation and achieve results
Total Content Hours
100 Hours of Faculty conducted sessions @ 6 hours per week [3 sessions per week on 3 different days of each week@ 2 hours per session]
All faculty conducted 100% LIVE and 2 way interactive sessions will be held OUTSIDE working hours , mostly during 8 to 10m in the night; such faculty conducted sessions can be attended from anywhere [including home]
Spread over 16 -18 weeks [includes time required for absorption and assimilation of knowledge imparted during 100 hours of faculty conducted sessions and also the time needed to complete various tasks and assignments during pre and post formal faculty conducted sessions]
Program Delivery
Faculty conducted sessions will be delivered through 100% LIVE and 2 way interactive Technology Enabled Learning System of The Strategy Academy, accessible from Home/ office/ ANYWHERE
A participant will just need a PC/Laptop, a headphone and a data card to receive 100% LIVE and 2 way interactive Video plus Audio streaming from the faculty and attend faculty conducted sessions. No special training is needed to attend the classes, though technical support will be available to extend any help needed during 100% LIVE classes. Attendance and participation in class discussion with faculty and other participants will be captured – on minute to minute basis – by the technology platform.
Recordings of faculty conducted 100% LIVE Classes will be made available for classes which could not attended or which are required for revision.
Evaluation and Grading
Multi-element evaluation [subject-wise]
70% weight for COURSE WORK related evaluation; subject-wise evaluation areas are: Attendance, Participation in class discussions, Quiz, Group Work and Examination at the end of each subject
30% weight for 2 ACTION LEARNING PROJECTS and their presentations
Participants will be graded as Excellent, Good, Average, Fair and Poor on relative basis, following the Academic Policies guiding the program
For successful completion of the program, following 2 conditions are to be met:
Regularity of [a] Attendance in faculty conducted sessions and [b] level of participation in class discussion: Minimum 60% [composite score for a and b]
Overall grade: Minimum ‘Average’
Each successful participant, meeting the above 2 conditions, will receive a COMPLETION Certificate to be jointly certified by NIPM and The Strategy Academy Centre for Advanced studies [TSACAS]
Those failing to meet the any one of the above 2 conditions will receive a PARTICIPATION Certificate to be jointly certified by NIPM and The Strategy Academy Centre for Advanced studies [TSACAS]
Rs 60000/- + Service Tax, payable in 2 instalments – 60% at the time of admission and 40% before commencement of the 26th session [total number of sessions: 50 each @ 2 hours]
For Group nomination by any organization: 15 % discount on gross course fee per head will be available, provided at least 3 officials are nominated – with requisite first instalment fee – latest by 30 November 16
For self-nominated individual participants, a 10% discount on course fee will be available, provided the nomination with 60% of the gross course fee is received before 30 November 16.
The discount indicated above will be adjusted against the second and final instalment payable
Fee is payable to National Institute of Personnel Management payable at Kolkata
Background of the two Organizations Offering the Program
National Institute of Personnel Management [NIPM] is the premier organization of Professional Managers / practitioners / academicians and students in the functions of Human Resource / Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Labour & Social Welfare. It is devoted to the development of knowledge, skill and expertise of the HR/IR Professionals and personnel in the country inter alia through regular Lectures, Meetings, Seminars, Conferences and Trainings, through its National Office and various Chapters in the country. NIPM has been consistently serving the cause of HRM in the country for the last six decades. Upholding the status of a Premier National Forum for Human Resource Development in the country, NIPM is constantly striving for synergy and excellence in the field of Personnel/HR and Industrial Relations through exchange and synergy of knowledge and experience of experts, from within India as well as from outside. NIPM is reckoned as the oldest professional HR/IR body in India. It came into existence in March 1980 by amalgamation of the Indian Institute of Personnel Management (IIPM), established in 1948 at Calcutta and the National Institute of Labour Management (NILM), established in 1950 at Bombay. With its National Office situated at Kolkata, it now has a nationwide membership of more than 7000 individual members and over 300 institutional members spread across 53 Chapters.
The Strategy Academy was set up 9 years ago to act as a catalyst for transforming individuals and organizations to exploit their full potential and assisting them to achieve success. The Academy was conceived as a part of an Action Research done by Prof Ranjan Das, Professor of Strategic Management at IIM Calcutta. Prof Das is the current Chairman and Chief Mentor of the Academy. The Academy has developed a Smart Learning & Transformation Solution [SLTS] that not only helps develop business and functional skills but also facilitates changes in habits, attitudes and motives of participants that are essential for applying the skills acquired. The Academy deploys 100% LIVE and 2 Way Interactive technology enabled learning platform to deliver – on REAL TIME and One2One basis – faculty-led LIVE classes to ANY WHERE in India and the World. More than 40 Indian companies have used the resources and capabilities of the Academy to conduct their various in-company intervention programs.